Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Almost done with birthday week!!!

So we didn't do a whole lot for my little one's 5th birthday. I sent cupcakes with him and my oldest to school and he came home wearing a birthday crown. I had ordered a cake for them both on Sunday and since he is younger and didnt even notice I made him wait to open his presents until Sunday. Sunday we did the cake thing and had one of my friends over than headed over to Boomers. We played and had a good time. So overall I think it went well. Things at home are ok. He sort of made an effort the other day. We will see how he does when he gets home. On the diet front I did gain about 1 lb from all the running around and the pizza and the cake. Plus your weight fluctuates daily so I will update you guys again in a few days. http://lanischweitzer.bodybyvi.com

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Starting Again

Ok, so I started this blog and than let it slide along with the things that I was working on. So today is a new day. Kids are in school and I have an interview for a job that I am over qualified for and only works about 12 hours a week but the hours are perfect to work around my sons school hours. I also think if you are starting with nothing you have to start somewhere and so sometimes you just got to swallow your pride and go for it.
So I am a few days late but let me post my Day 1 info for you all
Day 1
Weight 199.4
Chest 39
Waist 41.7
Hips 46
Upper thigh 27
Calf 17
Day 5
198.4 (-1)

I stay on top of my weight knowing that number will fluctuate daily but my measurements either every 2 weeks or once a month. Lets see what other updates should I post my marriage is still rocky but I am going to focus on me not worry about him. I have completed two rough drafts done for a paranormal romance and a short erotica rough draft. Need to edit both and copyright them and move forward have been focused on getting a job so little distracted but if I get this part time job I can still look for a better job but some of the stress will be relieved (not a lot it doesn't pay a lot but its  a start).

So if any of you are interested in starting your own 90 Day Fitness or Weight-loss Challenge check out my site http://lanischweitzer.bodybyvi.com